Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Linkdump: Spring 2010

I currently have just under 40 draft posts.  Part of the reason for this is that I kept dumping links of things I find interesting or useful into draft posts.  To tidy things up a bit I've decided to collect all the things I've found recently in one post, with short comments.

Dales Peak: Going, going, gone! - A neat stacking module designs (and some destruction).
Micro 009 layout plans by Ian Holmes, one of which is now under construction.
Cool chipped paint via @Scalescenes - using salt, hairspray and paint.
Phil's Workbench: Tea leaves as ballast - I think this would also work as leaf litter in the larger scales.
Strange Worlds: Flickr Stream and article via Model Railroaders Anonymous - realistic dioramas made out of unconventional materials.
Traeth Mawr Railway: Assembling the backboard - Huw's Ffestiniog inspired layout begins to take shape.
Mick's Projects: Dartmoor Farm - a farm building built from card & and manilla envelope.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Intermodal wagons

For my own reference I've been compiling a list of intermodal wagons which are used by Freightliner and EWS/DBS on their intermodal services. The wagon codes link to galleries of that wagon on UK Rolling Stock. I've not included wagons that are use only on specific services, or those not yet in revenue service.

EWS/DB Schenker
FIA/IFA 'multifret' - Bachmann make an FIA Intermodal twin set in EWS and Railfrieght distribution liveries.
FAA are the most distinctive wagons used by EWS as they are single wagons with a low central deck. A kit for the FAA is produced by Genesis Kits.
FCA - twin wagons which look similar to the FEAs.  Inter-City Models have a kit listed.
FKA low-deck twin wagons used by EWS. Similar to the IKA 'Megafrets' used by Freighliner.  A kit is produced by Genesis Kits

FEA-B (Spine Wagons) twin sets which are operated by Freightliner, GBRf, and Fastline. A model is produced by Dapol.
FEA-E (Spine Wagons)  a single wagon version.  It might be possible to build one from a Dapol FEA-B set.
IKA "Megafret" - A model is produced by Dapol in OO and N.
KTA/KQA pocket wagons are used by Freightliner, and most Freightliner Intermodal trains in the Southampton area some of these wagons. Dapol produce a model in OO and N.
FFA/FGA - used by Freightliner - There is an old Hornby based on this wagon or a stunning looking kit by Colin Craig
FLA Lowliners - an OO model is made by Real Track Models (a collaboration between C-Rail and DC Kits)
KFA - Hornby produce this single wagon complete with containers.
FSA & FTA - Nick Gurney has constructed these for his Holland Park by butchering Bachmann 'multifrets', though this requires one twin set to produce a single wagon. A picture of completed wagon can be seen here

Freightliner on their Wagon Fleet

KAA - Single wagons which can be used to carry trailers as well as containers.  A kit is produced by Genesis Kits
FEA-B (Spine Wagons) - model produced by Dapol

Thursday, 22 April 2010



Last night made a card footplate to go around the Life Like GP38 chassis that I'm planning on using for my Drewrybash diesel.  I'm was concerned that my design was going to be too long for the chassis, as it is around 13cm long, the chassis is just under 10cm to the end of the bogies, or about 12cm to the ends of the rapido couplers (which I don't plan on using). Building the footplate confirmed that is was too long, so I've now got to decide how to make the loco shorter. I posted this on my workbench thread on ngrm-online and the consensus seems to be that I need to remove one body panel. Other ways of saving length would be changing to a single bonnet design, reducing the length of the footplate at the ends of the loco, however both of these would make it look more like the loco the kit is supposed to build. I'll have to re-read the advice I received on how the mechanics of this loco would affect the bonnet designs, and then do a bit of experimentation to see if I can come up with something I'm happy with.