I've had a second go at planning the layout, this time I made some point templates by drawing round my two Peco points and cutting them out. I wanted to see if using
Peco asymmetric 3-Way points would improve the plan so I made an estimated template by overlapping two templates. I was considering using two 3-ways, one by the fiddle yard exit and on above where the class 09 is. However after playing about a bit I decided that I'd be better off without the one by the fiddle yard exit and I'm not sure that the other one would add enough to the plan to make it worth including. The advantage of avoiding the 3 way points is that I can use code 100 track which is what I already have. I did consider using Peco code 75 points and
SMP bullhead flexi-track but my aim is to get something built quickly so I'll probably stick to what I've got for this project.

The orange juice, shoe box, Boggle,
Fluxx, and Swiss vegetable bouillon are there to give an idea of what it might look like with buildings there - you'll have to use you're imagination! The Jenga pieces and takeaway menu over the fiddle yard entrance represent some sort of loader (possibly stone). I also plan to put some kind of pipe bridge or footbridge over the middle of the layout to add interest. The siding with the two badly weathered tankers will have a second loading/unloading point - possibly for fuel. The tankers themselves will be sprayed with grey primer and have some subtler weathering applied! I also need to work out a way of hiding the fact that the siding with the class 57 in will run right into the corner of the layout, I think some small trees could come in useful here.
I'm off to
see Cement Quay in Guilford on Saturday. It'll be good to see it operating and I might have the chance to get some bits for my layout too.
John Thorne's Purbeck will be there too which I'm looking forward to seeing again. Anything else will be a surprise as there's not a layout listing on the web.